Contact us on 01604 590120
Feel free to contact us with any computer or laptop repair queries. We will try and get back to you as soon as humanly possible.
When making contact or when describing your repair, please do mention if it’s a computer, laptop or other device.
The more details you give us, the better we can communicate with you.
Bad example is: “my laptops not working, how much to fix it”
Typical reply to this: “You have supplied the least amount of detail humanly possible, We’re unsure how exactly to politely answer your request. Please throw us a bone, and go into more detail about the fault you’re experiencing”.
better example: “my Compaq CQ50 laptop wont turn on, it lights up as normal and i can hear the fans, but nothing appears on the screen, any ideas?”.
Typical reply to this: “many thanks for using the contacts form, many things can cause the fault you’re describing, can you please let us know if the laptop has been……..”
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Computer Repair Shop
163 Weedon road
Tel 1: 01604 590120
Tel 2: 01604 603000
Saturday is an odd day for us, as a general rule of thumb…
- We enjoy sunshine so if its nice day, we will probably be closed
- in our experience if the rugby is on, the area is generally avoided and depending on workload, we may be closed.
- We will be here by appointment, but will scorn and say very bad things under our breath if you don’t bother to turn up or call to let us know you won’t make it.